Custom Domain

A custom domain allows the school to make use of their schools domain to benefit from all the features available in Kinext, including having a school website with various features already enabled.

To view a sample domain with all the features already enabled on the front-end website and making use of a custom domain, visit Aureate today.

In order to make use of a custom domain, some technical knowledge is required.

NOTE: At this point it is important to note that due to the nature of using a custom domain, we recommend registering an alternative domain for email use, otherwise each email that gets created will also have to be created on our servers and this involves admin that we will have to bill for.

You have two options available within the Custom Domain module.

  • Subdomain - this option gives you the ability to have a sub-domain attached to the website. Therefore, your URL to the platform will be something like

  • Domain - this option allows you to have a domain alias linked to the platform. Therefore, your URL to the platform will be something like

Once you have made a decision as to what you would like to use, you simply need specify the details under the URL textbox provided and submit the details.

We will wait up to 72 hours for your domain to propagate after you have submitted the details and followed the instructions provided under the Custom Domain module.

Once we have verified that your domain is pointing to our servers, we will update our SSL certificates based on your request and once completed, we will approve your request and your subdomain or domain should be live instantly.

Remember when making changes, you will be required to resubmit your request and wait the same amount of time.

Last updated