
Sales are what products you sell to Students, Teachers or Parents for example.

To access the Sales sub-section and add a sale, follow the steps outlined below.

  • Navigate to the Sales Sub-Section of the Inventory module (Red menu item in the Sales sub-section (Inventory) image above).

  • Click the Add Sales tab.

  • Complete all the required fields and if required, complete the optional fields. Make sure to complete the Product selection and quantity. You can add additional rows by clicking the Add Rows button to add multiple products from the supplier to the list of purchases.

  • Scroll down until you see the Bill Summary part of the Sales screen. Enter the Received Amount (if any) and specify the Pay Via field.

  • Click Create Bill.

NOTE: If no value is entered in the Received Amount field, the item will be listed as Unpaid. We are working to add functionality that will allow you update the Unpaid flag in the next release.

Once you have create your bill, you will be redirected to the Sales List page where you will see the saved purchase.

You have a number of options available in this screen.

  • Copy - copies the store details to your computers memory that will allow you to paste it into another program such as Excel.

  • Excel - allows you to download a list of stores in Excel (xlsx) format.

  • CSV - allows you to download a list of stores in CSV format.

  • PDF - allows you to download a list of stores in a PDF document.

  • Print - allows you to print a list of stores.

  • Columns - allows you to show/hide columns displayed on screen.

You also have two additional options under the Action column to Bill View or delete a purchase.

You can also view the Payment History (if any) and Print an invoice from the Bill View screen.

Last updated