1. Store

Your first step in getting the Inventory module up and running is to create a Store.

To access the Store sub-section and add a store, follow the steps outlined below.

  • Navigate to the Store Sub-Section of the Inventory module (Red menu item in the Store sub-section (Inventory) image above).

  • Click Create Store.

  • Complete all the required fields and if required, complete the optional fields.

  • Click Save.

Once you have saved your store, you will be redirected to the Store List page where you will see the saved store.

You have a number of options available in this screen.

  • Copy - copies the store details to your computers memory that will allow you to paste it into another program such as Excel.

  • Excel - allows you to download a list of stores in Excel (xlsx) format.

  • CSV - allows you to download a list of stores in CSV format.

  • PDF - allows you to download a list of stores in a PDF document.

  • Print - allows you to print a list of stores.

  • Columns - allows you to show/hide columns displayed on screen.

You also have two additional options under the Action column to edit or delete a store.

Last updated