5. Product

Products form the basis of the Inventory module and will be what is sold or issued.

To access the Product sub-section and add a product, follow the steps outlined below.

  • Navigate to the Product Sub-Section of the Inventory module (Red menu item in the Product sub-section (Inventory) image above).

  • Click Create Product.

  • Complete all the required fields and if required, complete the optional fields. (NOTE: we are aware of a bug in the Purchase Unit & Sale Unit fields on the Create Product Screen and will hopefully have a fix for this in the next release).

  • Click Save.

Once you have saved your product, you will be redirected to the Product List page where you will see the saved product.

To resolve the issue noted above, please follow these additional steps.

  • Click on the edit icon.

  • Change the configuration of Purchase Unit & Sale Unit and modify any fields as required by the system.

  • Click on Update.

Once you have updated your product, you will be redirected to the Product List page where you will see the updated product.

You have a number of options available in this screen.

  • Copy - copies the products to your computers memory that will allow you to paste it into another program such as Excel.

  • Excel - allows you to download a list of products in Excel (xlsx) format.

  • CSV - allows you to download a list of products in CSV format.

  • PDF - allows you to download a list of products in a PDF document.

  • Print - allows you to print a list of products .

  • Columns - allows you to show/hide columns displayed on screen.

You also have two additional options under the Action column to edit or delete a product.

Last updated