
When using the issue page, it works in the same way that Sales does except, you will not need to capture any Payment information such as Received Amount.

To complete an Issue, simply follow the steps outlined in Sales. The only caveat is that you have the option to specify a Due Date.

The Due Date is for items that can be returned and this can be managed in the Issue List by clicking the Details icon under the Action column.

You have a number of options available in this screen.

  • Copy - copies the store details to your computers memory that will allow you to paste it into another program such as Excel.

  • Excel - allows you to download a list of stores in Excel (xlsx) format.

  • CSV - allows you to download a list of stores in CSV format.

  • PDF - allows you to download a list of stores in a PDF document.

  • Print - allows you to print a list of stores.

  • Columns - allows you to show/hide columns displayed on screen.

Last updated